
Nasz Ali ALELONIUSZ CONTI Carbonarastaff ponownie szuka kochajacego i odpowiedzialnego domku.

Ali 5 miesięczny bardzo pogodny szczeniak o łagodnym usposobieniu. Ulegly i wpatrzony w człowieka. Nadaje sie do domku ze starszymi dziećmi. Ali to mocny doskonale zbudowany conti o pięknej głowie. pełny zgryz .Możliwa sprzedaż za granicę na dogodnych warunkach finansowych. Rodzicami Aliego są dwa cudowne conti o nieprzeciętnej urodzie i rodowodzie. Zdrowi i przebadani na choroby typowe dla rasy :

Champion ColorBulls INGRIMM oraz Canaveral-Staff FIONA. Wiecej informacji udzielę w wiadomosci prywatnej lub mail carbonarastaff@gmail.com. oraz telefonicznie 576516853.

Proszę tylko o poważne zapytania w sprawie naszego słodkiego chłopczyka.

Welcome to the website devoted to home breeding staffordshire bull terrier and continental bulldog – Carbonarastaff FCI.

Our adventure with dogs began a long time ago, back in our childhood, when we both had canine friends. The German pointer Lady and giant schnauzers: Zula and Axel will always remain in our hearts. In 2004, we made a decision that a dog would appear in our family home. The staffordshire bull terrier was chosen. And so the beautiful WWW KNIGHT ERRANT Port Erin aka Carbo from Mrs. Dorota Rudnicka’s kennel near Wrocław took us into the world of this great breed, dog shows and breeding purebred dogs. The following years resulted in experience in this matter, science in the field of cynology and reproduction, which continues to this day. With great responsibility we started building our breeding line based on dogs with perfect exterior and origin.

As the first kennel in Poland, together with the Port Erin kennel, we tested the dog for the genetic disease L2hga. We imported dogs from the best breeding lines from England (including the first pied brindle bitch in Poland), from Australia (the first Australian import in the hands of a Polish breeder), as well as: from Belgium, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Russia, Germany In the following years a wonderful breed appeared in our home, a very young breed – Continental bulldog. Fantastic molos, efficient bulldog for active people and families with children. We fell in love with them for good 🙂 They joined our herd perfectly, getting along with our beloved staffies. We are very grateful to our breeders, Ms Katarzyna Zygas and Ms Ines Olbricht for their great trust. And so with great responsibility and gratitude we lead our dogs very „healthy”. All our dogs are free from L2hga, HC and Phph genetic diseases. Our patients are also tested for hip and elbow dysplasia, spondylosis, OED, patella and DM (degenerative Mylophaty) as well as cystonuria. Our puppies are born from very well thought out associations, not only in terms of their parents’ exterior, valuable pedigree, but most of all – excellent psyche. We raise babies with great love and commitment, they are perfectly socialized. Our dogs live with us at home, they are family members and full members of the household, and puppies under the watchful eye of their mummy are brought up in our bedroom 🙂

We invite all enthusiasts of these two breeds to contact us. We will answer any question or issue concerning them. When you decide to buy a baby from our house, you get help from us „in a package” – always at any time of the day or night, at every stage of the staffy’s life and conti from Carbonarastaff.

Justyna, Jacek and Julia with a dog team.