The European Convention on the Breeding and Keeping of Pets, as well as the Swiss Animal Welfare Act (Article 10) were decisive for starting this breeding attempt.
The aim was to create a medium-sized bulldog that fulfills all the requirements of animal welfare for a healthy dog and still retains the so valued and popular character of the English Bulldog.
The crosses between English Bulldog and Old English Bulldog, under the patronage of the Swiss Cynological Society, were very promising, but soon showed that the endeavor resulted in the creation of a new breed, a breed close to the original type of Bulldog .
In order to clearly differentiate it from the English Bulldog, the name was given to the new breed
„Continental Bulldog” chosen.
The decisions and measures for the formation of this breed were made in consultation with the FCI (representatives of the standard and scientific commissions).
The fact that there is still no resilient, medium-sized family dog of the Molosser type, but that this would be very desirable, is testified by the many enthusiastic lovers of the still young breed.
A project group was formed from representatives of the Working Committee for Breeding Development and Breeding Promotion of the SKG, which worked towards the recognition of a new Bulldog breed. Over 70 dogs were assessed by a veterinarian and judge and an application was made for their entry in the appendix register of the Swiss Dog Studbook (SHSB).
After that, the central board of the SKG had to deal with this project. On September 15, 2004, the application for recognition of the new breed, in order to differentiate it from the English Bulldog, under the name Continental Bulldog was granted. The decisions and measures for the formation of the new breed were made in consultation with the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI). The Continental Bulldog will become a Swiss breed if it meets the FCI requirements and is recognized as a new breed. The Continental Bulldog Club Switzerland (CBCS) was founded on December 5, 2004 and the Continental Bulldog Germany e.V. (CBCD) on April 22, 2006.
Where did the name Continental Bulldog come from?
The country of origin of the English Bulldog is Great Britain, England. The British refer to everything and everyone who does not come from this island as „Continental” because they come from the continent and not from the island.
This is the name of the new Bulldog breed, from the continent of Europe a Continental Bulldog
Brief chronological outline:
- In the summer of 2001, the SKG granted approval for the first attempts at crossing
(Name at that time: Pickwick Bulldogs Old Type ®) - 15.09.2004 Recognition by the SKG under the new name:
Continental Bulldog - 05.12.2004 Foundation of the Continental Bulldog Club Switzerland (CBCS)
- 04/22/2006 Foundation of the Continental Bulldog Club Germany (CBCD)
- 09.07.2006 first club show of the Continental Bulldog Club Switzerland with 56 shown Continental Bulldogs
- 12.08.2007 first club show of the Continental Bulldog Club Germany with 30 shown Continental Bulldogs
-January 2015: National recognition of the Continental Bulldog in Germany by the VDH
Meanwhile, there are more and more owners and breeders of Continental Bulldogs in Switzerland and Germany, so that more and more dogs can be shown at the club’s internal exhibitions. The Continental Bulldog is enjoying increasing popularity as a family and companion dog.
We look forward to accompanying this great, new breed of dog on its way!
The Continental Bulldog now has national recognition as a breed in several European countries (Switzerland, Germany, France, the Czech Republic).
Worldwide recognition by the FCI is still pending. But we firmly believe that this will also follow soon!
The Continental Bulldog is attentive, confident, friendly, neither aggressive nor shy. A sporty little Molosser with the charming bulldog character who is quiet in the house, but easily accompanies his family on walks without demanding long forced marches.
Many we meet ask if they are little boxers. No, they’re bulldogs. From time to time there are certainly similarities with boxers and also with bullmastiffs. However, our Contis are much smaller and not quite as spirited as boxers. Since all colors except blue are permitted, one does not have to pay attention to these rather unimportant criteria, which are dependent on the taste of an individual, during breeding, but can concentrate completely on health and character.
The Bulldog is stubborn, some stubborn. With loving consistency, however, you can also raise a bulldog to be a pleasant, obedient housemate. Some Contis are capable of very considerable athletic achievements. They can be trained well and some are suitable for the whole range of dog sports.
Bulldogs are funny dogs. The look of these dogs alone often makes you laugh. They come up with ideas that are completely alien to other dogs. Bulldog friends unanimously say, „They’re often quite human!” There is hardly anything to add to that 🙂
Anyone who knows bulldogs knows that they are always a little different from others. You’re funny, headstrong, and charming. There’s always something to laugh about with a Bulldog around the house.
But you really have to love something special, otherwise you should choose a different breed of dog.
The European convention on the breeding and keeping of pets as well as the Swiss
Animal Welfare Act (Art. 10) were decisive in starting a breeding attempt.
The aim of this experiment was to create a medium-sized bulldog that would be able to do all of the
Animal welfare meets the requirements of a healthy dog and still that
maintains such cherished and beloved English Bulldog beings.
The crosses between English Bulldog and Old English Bulldog, under the patronage of
Swiss Cynological Society, were very promising, but showed
soon that the endeavor boiled down to the creation of a new race, a race
which comes close to the original type of the Bulldog. For the purpose of clear demarcation from
English Bulldog, the name „Continental Bulldog” was chosen for the new breed. the
Decisions and measures for the formation of the new breed were made in consultation with the FCI
(Representatives of the Standard and Scientific Commissions).
The fact that there is still no resilient, medium-sized family dog of the Molossian type
there, but this would be very welcome, testify to the many enthusiastic lovers of the
still young breed. The Continental Bulldog is ready to fill that void.
UTILIZATION: Companion dog, family dog
CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer –
Molosser – Swiss Mountain Dogs
Section 2 Molossoids, Great Dane-like dogs
without a working trial
A short-haired, athletically built, medium-sized, almost square, bulldog-like dog.
Despite its strong physique, the Continental Bulldog is agile and persistent,
he should breathe noiselessly even when trotting or galloping rapidly. His weight is moving
approximately between 20 – 30 kg depending on size.
Males and bitches should have clear gender characteristics.
Height at withers: Depth of chest 2: 1
Height at withers: body length 1: 1, 2
Height at withers: length from withers to base of tail 1: 1
These dimensions and proportions are to be understood as guidelines, which is always decisive
Overall impression of a dog, the bulldog type must be preserved.
Attentive, confident, friendly, neither aggressive nor shy.
The head circumference measured in front of the ears should not increase the height at the withers by more than 15%
surpass. Seen from the front, the head appears almost square with a slight
Bulge of the zygomatic arches.
The forehead is flat to slightly arched. Forehead wrinkles are not very pronounced. Starting from the stop
a broad, rather flat frontal furrow runs to the middle of the skull.
Stop: Clearly pronounced, but without a deep indentation
Nose: Nose wide, nostrils large and well open. Nose always complete
Muzzle: Broad, almost square when viewed from the front. The bridge of the nose is straight, neither
upwards still sloping down. Ratio to total head length 1: 3 (tolerance 1: 4). Not to
thick folds of skin on both sides of the bridge of the nose. Lower jaw including chin broad and angular. at
When the muzzle is closed, neither tongue nor teeth are visible. Clear chin, not in front
covered by the upper lips.
Lips: Lips should be thick, pigmentation at the edge well closed and if possible
Completely. The lips of the upper jaw should completely overlap the lower jaw laterally.
Lips of the lower jaw as close as possible.
Jaws / teeth: Undershot ideal 1 – 5 mm, tolerance up to 10 mm, tooth strips in the upper and in the middle
Lower jaw straight and parallel. Teeth strong. 6 regularly asked, well developed
Incisors between the widely spaced canines. Lack of P1
allowed, M3 are ignored. A full set of teeth is ideal.
Cheeks: Slightly arched, taut and well rounded
Eyes: Round, directed forward, set wide apart. Neither sunken nor
protruding. Well-fitting, as fully pigmented eyelids as possible. When going straight
the looking dog should not see any white (sclera). Iris dark brown.
Ears: Set high, small and thin; the base of the ears forms with the upper line of the skull
a straight. Either rose or hinged ear.
Rosenohr :: i.e. folded inwards on the back and laid back, the front one
The edge of the ear falls outwards and backwards, the inside of the auricle is partially visible.
Hinged ear: tilted forward when paying attention so that the tip of the ear is roughly on top of the
Height of the outer corner of the eye. Lying on the side of the head when at rest. All other
Ear shapes are to be regarded as a mistake.
Short and strong, but not so short that the head appears to be sitting right on the shoulders.
Well arched neckline. Few folds of skin in the throat area are allowed.
insignificantly higher than the loin area. Ratio entire
Body length to height at the withers 1, 2: 1
Upper line: back short and strong, as straight as possible. The length of the back, from the base of the neck
to the root of the tail, corresponds to the height at the withers.
Loin: Seen from above, only slightly narrower than the chest. croup
slightly sloping.
CHEST: Depth of the chest reaching to the elbows, corresponds to 1/2 of under ideal conditions
Height at withers. Chest spacious, ribs arched, chest rising slightly backwards.
Lower line: belly moderately tucked up
Set as low as possible, strong, thick at the base and gradually tapering. All around
densely hairy, but without fringes. Ideally, reaching just below the hocks.
Straight or slightly curved. Hanging in repose, raised in motion, but not
Carried rolled over the back.
When viewed from the front, runs straight, stocky and strong
Shoulders: Broad, sloping and well muscled. The shoulder blade should lie firmly against the chest
Upper arm: close to the body and well angled to the shoulder blade
Elbows: Close to the body
Metatarsus: Short and strong, only slightly sloping when viewed from the side
Feet: arched, well closed, turned neither in nor out
Hind legs: strong boned and well muscled
Knees: Well angled, not turned outwards, parallel when viewed from behind.
Hock joint: Well angled, turned neither in nor out
Feet: Strong, well arched, straight
Short and dark desired
Regular, fluid movements, good step forward, expansive thrust.
Elastic without wrinkling on the body and legs.
Composition of the hair: Upper hair short, dense, smooth, shiny, not bristly. Undercoat
short, dense and fine. Missing undercoat permitted.
Hair color: Any color that is accompanied by a black nose. Solid color, brindle
or combined with white, with or without a black mask. A certain pattern of spots
is not aimed for. The color blue is not desired.
Height at withers: Males: 42-46 cm
Bitches: 40-44 cm
Tolerance in both sexes upwards 4 cm, downwards 2 cm.
Any deviation from the above points must be viewed as a mistake,
the evaluation of which must be in exact proportion to the degree of deviation.
Slight mistakes:
Too little ground clearance
The head circumference exceeds the height at the withers by 15 – 20%
Poorly developed teeth
Undershot 11-15 mm
Ears worn unevenly
Short and / or slightly deformed tail
Little dense hair
Oversize or undersize (within the tolerance) in the otherwise correct dog
Passing walk or paws dragging over the ground
Serious errors:
Blue or black eyes
Distinctly deformed tail
Head circumference in cm exceeds the height at the withers by more than 20%
Folds of skin lapping over the frontal cusps
too large nasal fold
Erect ears
Disqualifying errors
Breathing sounds when standing still
Entropion / ectropion
Incisors, fangs or tongue visible when the muzzle is closed
Undershot over 15 mm
clearly slate pine
No rod
Size out of tolerance
Dogs clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must
be disqualified.
Males must have two apparently normally developed testicles that are completely separate
are in the scrotum.